Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Today is grey again..and the bike hit's 36,500 miles..

You probably cannot see it in the picture, but the bike clocked 36,500 exactly as I pulled up at work today. Not sure how many miles I've done since June 1st, probably only about 700 ish.

Need to spend a bit of time/money on it I think, it has developed a noise at the front which sound's like a rotating noise, and the brake on the front seems to clonk a bit. Also need to get a grease gun and some grease!

Still a grey day, feels damp/rainy but so far it is not.

Dan's off to Salisbury to see the Army recruiting officer again, to make preperation for November, when he can re-apply. Hope it goes well.

Blue Light Day tomorrow (Thursday), and MOT day for the Mondy, so will be busy!

Anyway, busy at work still so must go...

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