Monday 11 August 2008

Hi I'm back......just!!

Been away on hol's to Ibiza, more about that later. Came back on Friday, which was a nice day, Sat and Sunday just rained on and off.

Nearly got wiped out on the 'bike this morning on the way in through Penton Mewsey, just tootling through the "village" at 40mph, some guy was coming out of the left turning over the bridge, looked like he has swung a U turn, and a small white van with blue graphics was waiting to turn in over the bridge. I came along and he turned in anyway! Now I know what the bike feels like in an emergency stop, lucky it was dry.

I managed to stay upright, the van drove away, as did the other car, I pulled into a layby and the lady who was behind me did the same, to see if I was ok (thanks love). I then decided to see if I could find the van, but he was well gone. I suppose the chrome bike and headlight on was not enough, and that I will now have to ride around with a flourescent jacket on!

Anyway, first day back at work, Andy has joined us, and the office has moved round a little. Lot's to do so must go, will post about the holiday at some point.


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