Thursday 14 August 2008

Thursday already and nothing but rain!!!

Well it's been a wet few day's, thank goodness we did not holiday in the UK this year! There have been floods etc. although today has turned quite sunny (so far).

Monday night bought some old style boots to use on the bike, hope they will be OK....

Tuesday night did B&Z with Dan, used the new mixer, worked OK but it was a bit stressed. About 40 kids turned up, and it was hard to get them to dance, but they looked like they enjoyed themselves just mucking about.

Wednesday helped SH move to his new flat, very nice it looks too. I hope it works out for him.

Back to today, brought the bike in, quite a nice ride, and becoming more confident. Popped in to Millway to talk about fixing the Mondeo dent on the way in. Also booked Mondy MOT for later in the month.

Lot's to do so more later.....

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