Friday, 22 August 2008

Nice ride in the countryside.....REOC membership...

Took a ride out lunchtime over Andover Down and through Wherwell and back to Andover. I wish I had a video camera, the road's were like one of those training videos, with things popping out etc.

I had: A big tree root under the road on a nice green lane, a diversion due to roadworks complete with a digger, gravel in the middle of each side of the road, especially on the bends, cyclists both wobbling down the road and blocking a junction whilst having a chat, and a tractor heading towards me. But it was a nice, lunchtime ride!!

Just sent off my application to join the Royal Enfield Owners Club, ( annual membership starts 1st September/31st August. Looking forward to going to my nearest branch meeting, which oddly enough is called the Wessex Branch?

Wessex Branch of the Royal Enfield Owners Clus meet 1st Tuesday of month,
7:30pm at the White Lion, Wherwell, Andover. SP11 7JF

1 comment:

David Blasco said...

Hi there. Enjoy reading your blog. Your pictures add a great deal to the story, very nice job. I am trying to do a Royal Enfield blog myself but it has been a struggle finding material here in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Not too many Enfields around locally. I'm at if you care to see. Again, very nice blog. David in Fort Lauderdale