Thursday, 28 August 2008

Been busy....out and about

...went across to Salisbury this morning to see the hire lights for IBC, raining when I left, dried up on the way. Bike loved the country roads but hated the traffic in Salisbury. Will have to attend to the clutch etc. if I want to keep using it. Mileage since yesterday lunchtime is 36,566, so I have done 66 miles in 24 hours, quite a lot for me!

Visited Blue Light Day in Tidworth on the way back, it's a really good community event. Took some piccies, this is Issac with the Really Red Radio Roadshow. Talking of the radio, Castledown Radio's website has been mangled by someone, not sure who/how, so it is being put back together as we speak.

Keeping an eye on Team Enduro Europe (9,000 miles, 30 border crosses, 26 countries, 31 days)these guy's (and girl's) are on their way around Europe in a month by motorcycle, having recently learnt to ride. Best of luck to them! See where they are by GPS,

Mondeo has failed the MOT on front springs, again! It broke these before and the were replaced in 2005, is three years acceptable? Must be a real weak point. Still, total cost some 130 odd quid, so not too painful...

Tashies ill with a sickness bug, Dan's got into college doing an introduction to the services NCFE Uniformed Services, at Andover. Starts next week! Julies feet are really painful, hospital tomorrow.

My REOC membership card arrived today, so I am now a fully signed up member. Must try and get to the local groups meetings, first one is next Tuesday. Been in touch with the meeting organiser, and they may go for a run.

That's all, still busy at must go...

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Today is grey again..and the bike hit's 36,500 miles..

You probably cannot see it in the picture, but the bike clocked 36,500 exactly as I pulled up at work today. Not sure how many miles I've done since June 1st, probably only about 700 ish.

Need to spend a bit of time/money on it I think, it has developed a noise at the front which sound's like a rotating noise, and the brake on the front seems to clonk a bit. Also need to get a grease gun and some grease!

Still a grey day, feels damp/rainy but so far it is not.

Dan's off to Salisbury to see the Army recruiting officer again, to make preperation for November, when he can re-apply. Hope it goes well.

Blue Light Day tomorrow (Thursday), and MOT day for the Mondy, so will be busy!

Anyway, busy at work still so must go...

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

I've been contacted by a fellow blogger with a fascination for Royal Enfield's, here's the link

It's a great site with loads of Enfield stuff, and links to other sites, so you can loose yourself in there for hour's and hour's.

Still grey at 1pm, but no rain so far....

Nothing but grey sky's.........

Today is officially grey! Even though it is only the 26th August, the weather is very dull, and dark, even at 8.45am. So this morning it was full bike kit, waterproof trousers, boots, jumper (although I could have done without it), jacket, gloves etc etc. Thank goodness the bike started quickly (choke on, prime for 5 kicks, choke off, started second kick). I even dragged out my flourescent jacket, since it looked like a "I did not see you mate" day!

The Bank Holiday weekend was okay, Saturday we went to Fulham to find the mother-in-laws house (no jokes please!) where she was brought up as a child. Also went to Bishops Park in Fulham and had lunch by the Thames. Dan bought his iPod Nano in Putney, just over the river. A good day.

Sunday was pottering, allotment digging, so no bike. Monday was the mother-in-law Margaret's 80th birthday, her friend came from Sussex, and we went to the garden centre before dinner at the Amesbury Harvester. Scott and Tash came back from their weekend away, first time I've seen him since his bike accident. The meal was good and we brought Margaret a desert with candles on and sung happy birthday!

Today as I said it is very very grey, although the weather is predicted to be 21/21/21/22/24 degress C from now to Saturday. But is does not look like it!

Only two weeks to go until we drive off the Amsterdam for IBC, which is a major broadcast trade show. Lot's to do so I had better go and do it!!

Friday, 22 August 2008

Nice ride in the countryside.....REOC membership...

Took a ride out lunchtime over Andover Down and through Wherwell and back to Andover. I wish I had a video camera, the road's were like one of those training videos, with things popping out etc.

I had: A big tree root under the road on a nice green lane, a diversion due to roadworks complete with a digger, gravel in the middle of each side of the road, especially on the bends, cyclists both wobbling down the road and blocking a junction whilst having a chat, and a tractor heading towards me. But it was a nice, lunchtime ride!!

Just sent off my application to join the Royal Enfield Owners Club, ( annual membership starts 1st September/31st August. Looking forward to going to my nearest branch meeting, which oddly enough is called the Wessex Branch?

Wessex Branch of the Royal Enfield Owners Clus meet 1st Tuesday of month,
7:30pm at the White Lion, Wherwell, Andover. SP11 7JF

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

1968 ½ Royal Enfield Interceptor Custovation

Just found this great story of what the owner calls a "custovation". It's luverly!....

For the full story click here:


1968 ½ Royal Enfield 750 Twin Interceptor Series IA

The 1968 ½ Interceptor Series IA is a rare limited production transition model that paved the way for final version of the 750 twin. The project is a professional quality mild custovation completed in March 2005 and built from a very sound donor.

The appearance was modified to show a modern ACE cafĂ© style. The bike is comfortable to ride, 100% reliable and starts on the 1st or 2nd kick. It’s powered by a mighty 750 cc long stroke vertical twin with a sound that turns heads, has tremendous torque and the gathers a crowd wherever it’s parked.

Improvements include Boyer ignition to eliminate points hassles, ACE handlebars, Avon Venom X tires, stainless spokes, and stainless hardware wherever possible, maintained are the original carbs, wheels and seat.

A custom crankcase breather system was designed and installed to eliminate the crankcase oil breathing mess.

Bike Specs
Engine: Air-cooled 4-valve OHV pushrod parallel twin
Stroke: 71 mm
Bore: 93 mm
Capacity 736 cc
Power: 60 bhp (at 6,000 rpm)
Weight: 450 lbs
Top speed: 105 mph
Price in 1968: $1400

Monday, 18 August 2008

"New Boots" for biking....

Bought myself some new boots for the motorcycle, only they are old....described as "Ashman Vintage Motorcycle Boots size 9", they suit the Enfield down to the ground. Wore them yesterday at Popham Airfield Bike Meet and mega-jumble, quite comfy and they work on the bike just right, not too thick sole, easy to change gear. Probably not waterproof, but should do me fine...

News from the hospital, as of Monday am Scott's still in Salisbury. He broke his arm (vertically), fractured it somewhere else and broke four toe's. The thought of it nearly made me give up the bike completely!

Popham was a brilliant day out, the show looked huge from the brow of the hill when we arrived, but turned out to be manageable. Dan came on the back of the bike and Julie took the car. Dan saw a Yamaha 125 road bike he wanted for £2995.00, but he has to be seventeen. Roy came with his Velocette in his trailer and Doug went as well, on his Velocette, but I never saw him. My bike was the oldest Indian manufactured Bullet that I could see, there were several new ones (04-07 reg), all shiny, including 5 speed and lean burn, and I think I found a couple of original Bullets. Also a number of twin cylinder Enfield's which were made using the same Bullet chassis.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Bad days (or whatever Dan is saying after his hol's)

Bad news, Tashies boyfriend Scott fell off his motorbike last night, breaking his arm and maybe his leg. We had a call from his mum about 11pm, as we were going to bed, and Julie took Tash to the hospital (Salisbury). Not sure what happened yet, except there were no other vehicles involved, and his pillion passenger (a work mate) was okay, with just scrapes and bruises.

"UPDATE: Scott broke his arm and his ankle. He came out of work, overtook a car and skidded on some gravel. Will be collecting the bike Saturday morning".

Scott bought his bike (some sort of 650 Suzuki I think, big twin cylinder V thing, never really got the hang of the actual type) to replace his car to save money, so he had to use it everywhere in all sorts of weather. He had full leathers etc, so hopefully that may have helped.

So I have left my bike in the garage out of respect, and until we have talked about it. Shame really, nice sunny day, and my boots arrived yesterday, so I could have tried them. Have to decide now if using my bike is fair on the rest of the family (and myself). It was originally bought "out of the blue" from a work colleague because I liked it, and to save a bit of petrol money. It does nearly 70mpg, double what the car probably does. But is it worth it?

Anyway, that's the bad news....decisions to be least he is more or less in one piece.

Before all this happened Dan and I sat and watched the "Directors Cut" of Blade Runner on DVD in surround. The Vangellis music was great. Had forgotten how violent it was in a few places. Brilliant film, will watch the "making of" etc. documentary at some point.

That's all folks....

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Thursday already and nothing but rain!!!

Well it's been a wet few day's, thank goodness we did not holiday in the UK this year! There have been floods etc. although today has turned quite sunny (so far).

Monday night bought some old style boots to use on the bike, hope they will be OK....

Tuesday night did B&Z with Dan, used the new mixer, worked OK but it was a bit stressed. About 40 kids turned up, and it was hard to get them to dance, but they looked like they enjoyed themselves just mucking about.

Wednesday helped SH move to his new flat, very nice it looks too. I hope it works out for him.

Back to today, brought the bike in, quite a nice ride, and becoming more confident. Popped in to Millway to talk about fixing the Mondeo dent on the way in. Also booked Mondy MOT for later in the month.

Lot's to do so more later.....

Monday, 11 August 2008

Hi I'm back......just!!

Been away on hol's to Ibiza, more about that later. Came back on Friday, which was a nice day, Sat and Sunday just rained on and off.

Nearly got wiped out on the 'bike this morning on the way in through Penton Mewsey, just tootling through the "village" at 40mph, some guy was coming out of the left turning over the bridge, looked like he has swung a U turn, and a small white van with blue graphics was waiting to turn in over the bridge. I came along and he turned in anyway! Now I know what the bike feels like in an emergency stop, lucky it was dry.

I managed to stay upright, the van drove away, as did the other car, I pulled into a layby and the lady who was behind me did the same, to see if I was ok (thanks love). I then decided to see if I could find the van, but he was well gone. I suppose the chrome bike and headlight on was not enough, and that I will now have to ride around with a flourescent jacket on!

Anyway, first day back at work, Andy has joined us, and the office has moved round a little. Lot's to do so must go, will post about the holiday at some point.
