Sunday, 27 July 2008

Update.....and a picture from Algodonales...

Well it seems the last few days have been pretty busy...Wednesday night did the telephone interview training, more of a laugh than Tuesday night! Thursday at work we had a sales meeting and then went to the pub...Dan had scout's, his trip to Scotland is "postponed", cancelled, more likely!

Friday at work had a talk with Ian which got me worried, then had a meeting on Greece with Barry/Mike/Mark. Barry wound me up so I left at 5pm straight after the meeting finished. In the evening we had a BBQ at the radio, it was okay, and then we came home and vegetated in front of the TV for a couple of hours. Saturday got up and did a reasonable show, I think I will have to prep for it in future. Just get a couple of pieces of news and write some notes. Shouldn't take long! Julie went to Newbury for a craft show, Dan and I went to town, did a little bit of shopping.

Sunday (and Saturday) were very hot, so we pottered around and got a few small job's done.

Tash's has been living away from home at Scott's, not seen here since Saturday. Rabbit got out twice, once during the night and once this evening. I think it will have to go....

Well got to face up to work one more day and then as I said HOLS!!!!!

Oh yes random picture is from Algodonales, Spain, from the radio training trip. Will write that up one day! I spent over an hour this morning copying the picures of my
1Gb memory card from the camera!

More later.....

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