Thursday, 3 July 2008

I've been away.....

...and not bothered with Blogging, since it was hard to get Internet access. I went to a small village in Spain called Algodonales, in the Andalusian part of Spain, down towards the southern tip. The trip was an EU funded Media training course, and I met a terrific group of like-minded Community Radio professionals. Except radio is my "hobby", not my job! Picture shows the really nice church in Algodonales.

Before the trip Dan and I did Chute Fete, it was a damp day, but OK. Met and interviewed Georgie Palmer, BBC South Today's weather reporter, who opened the fete. Struggled a little with the equipment (we had to use the Mk2 RRRR, called the "Burger Van", and the little generators and my laptop/mixer combination just did not get along!). Castledown Radio volunteer Lynne Mayo came along and helped all afternoon, so the time passed ok.

As I said I then went to Spain, on the training course. I think I should write a whole post on that trip!

Got back last night at 6pm, had dinner and checked out Tashie's car, which needs to go to the garage for repairs. Started the bike, which has developed a tendancy to pop and bang on tickover, did not use it today, too tired. Must put the old plug back and see if it runs better. Also received from India the oil and air filters, no points/condenser, out of stock.

Dan's prom this Friday, radio show Saturday, then off the see mum in Essex for the weekend.

Must go, will write a longer blog on the Spain trip soon......honest........

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