Friday, 18 July 2008

Fifth day at work on bike.....

War and Peace 2008

...and it's been drizzling with rain on and off all day, oh well.

Sent our "Ride to Work Day" to MCN, wonder if they will use it?

Off to W&P in the morning, hope it's drier than last year, we had mud up to our ankles!

More text to go with Wednesday's Ride to Work pic:

"Trilogy Ride to Work Day 2008

From left to right:

Ben and his 750cc Honda Shadow "I’m grinning with every ride".

John and his 500cc Royal Enfield Bullet, built in India in 1993 to a British design from the 1950’s. "Pain in the butt to start" is the only repeatable comment!

Charles and his 1300cc (yes, that’s correct!) Kawasaki, built in 1985, the last of the ‘70’s superbikes. "Special bits …1.3 litre inline 6 cylinder, direct fuel injected engine, developing 129 BPH so fun to keep on the road. All up weight 300kg special technique required to lift onto stand…". And you should have seen him bump-starting the thing!

Doug and his 348cc OHV AJS, the oldest bike by far, built in 1928, so eighty years old this year. "Usually called the Big Port because of the size of the exhaust pipe. Last year of the vintage fashion flat tank style before we got the saddle tanks we now have. 3 speed hand-change gearbox, exposed valve gear. Should do 70mph, returns 80mpg, total loss oiling system. Weight about 180lbs. Raced on the grass in Suffolk in the 1930's, recently did a turn at Brooklands".

Thanks to all of you and thank you to those that tried valiantly (Paul) to make it and failed. And to Graham our No1 bike racer, who is so serious this year with his drag racing he does not have a road-worthy bike!"

Must on W&P Monday (probably!)....

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