Monday, 12 January 2009

Wet, windy and horrid!!

Well the weather has changed from Saturdays frozen winter wonderland to today's pouring with rain. Just been out to Crawley Court and the country roads are filthy and wet. At least I had the car!

Talking of car's the Mondeo is still with us, despite it being "sold" on Ebay last Wednesday. And no monies have changed hands. It was supposed to be collected yesterday but the guy caught flu, and couldn't make it. He is supposed to come today. We will see........

So over the weekend I did my Saturday morning show, then stayed on while Simon Davies did his first live show, which was OK, he warmed to it as he went along. When I got home I started on the kitchen ceiling which was peeling due to the leak from the bathroom, then I went up to the bathroom and started trying to stop the leak in the first place. This carried on into Sunday when I cut out a section of the floor boards (more like crumbled out!) and replaced it. Looks like the worst bit is down the back of the bath, where the water gets trapped from the shower head.

In between all this I replaced the Enfields decompressor cable, and it brought home to me how simple the whole thing is. I was able to change the cable with little more than a screwdriver as a pokey tool and my hands. Turns out that the decompressor plunger was well gummed up, so I sprayed it with oil, which freed it up nicely. I also topped up the engine oil. It still took lot's of kicks to start, but once it ran it seemed to be OK.

So I went out about 3.30 as it was getting duller and did a 20 mile circuit, out to Tidworth, Collingbournes, back to Tidworth and home. Bike seemed to run and tick-over well. Rear wheel was sprayed with oil when I got back. Tried to compression test it, got about 3-4 BAR, not sure if that is good or not. I can still kick it over without the decompressor, just.

Anyway back to rainy, wet and windy today, it's only 1.45pm and it's already dark out!


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