Friday 31 October 2008

Last day of the month....

It's just after 5pm and as usual it is pitch black out the window at work...I hate this time of year, I guess it's that winter depression thingy...don't want to say too much in public but life feels a right struggle at the moment, and I feel quite depressed.

Boss at work Barry has just invited me to my annual appraisal next Friday 7th, so I need to be out of my pre-winter funk by then. maybe a good weekend (although there is nothing planned) will sort me out. But then maybe not.

Been using the car last couple of days, too cold for the bike, might get to take it for a spin at the weekend. Would really like to go on a long(ish) trip and go camping, but not at this time of year. Next May (2009) Tiny Tim is planning to attend a French RE meeting (in Belgium!), would be a challenge, not sure Julie would go all that way on the back, though!

Must make some plans for next year soon, big year for us, not sure it will be a big year financially! Make myself a promise, CHEER UP!

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