Thursday, 30 October 2008

All about Castledown Radio.....104.7FM

Pretty quiet here so I thought I would update you all with some info on Castledown Radio, which is a community radio station based in Castledown School, which is half way between Ludgershall and Tidworth, in Wiltshire.

We cover the area called "Tidworth Community Area", TCA for short. This was "invented" when it was realised that the local area lacked the community spirit, not helped by the fact that a large number of Tidworth residents are military, and tend not to stay too long!

Castledown Radio is run by the Station Manger, Baz Reilly (on the left, interviewing local resident John McConnell), Rick Young does the weekday morning show and lot's of other things, Xina Hart works mostly behind the scenes with "Pulse", a bi-monthly local newsletter, she also goes out and interviews people and helps run the local skatepark project. Mike Winterbourne does a lot of the admin and works hard with meetings etc, and it is all overseen by Steve Lawton, the big boss of Tidworth Development Trust (TDT).

There are a handful of volunteers that do live and pre-recorded shows, plus interviewing, editing, events etc etc. One regular event is the Bluez and Zuz, every second Tuesday of the month, held at a school in Tidworth for the kid's. It's great fun, most of the time!

I present the Saturday Morning Show for two hour's each Saturday morning, with a mix of music, local events, things to do etc. etc. I also manage the Voice of Shipton Bellinger, well I go see her every month and record the local events in her area and edit the audio before we use it on the radio.

The "station" is in a portacabin, installed by the army, we have two studios, Red (normally live) and Blue, an office, and a computer suite. As well as the radio and Pulse, we do training, events with the Really Red Radio Roadshow, and many other community based things. All "not for personal profit", mostly as volunteers. We do take adverts and sponsorship, in fact we need funding right now, if you want to offer anything!

If you happen to be within the 5 km radius of us we are on 104.7FM, or you can listen live anywhere in the world courtesy of the www, at Give us a listen sometime, you can email us from the website with your comments (nice ones only please) and with your requests.

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