Monday 3 October 2011

Sunday 25th October....

...we went to Shalbourne Manor for a classic car and bike show, and very nice it was, too.
There were a few bikes, lot's of cars from vintage to fairly modern, and a lovely garden to look round.
Weather was ok, it showered once quiet hard, but we managed to shelter in a barn.
When we got home we (me, Julie, Tash and Simon) were all knackered! Weathers been realy nice and hot these last few days, breaking records for the hottest day in September then doing it again for the hottest day in October, some 29 odd degrees! For some reason we have not really taken advantage of it, doing some cleaning round the mother in laws on Saturday. In the evening we went to Mine's a TReble by the Bellinger Players at the Memorial Hall, and very good it was too. Did some gardening Sunday morning and bike work in the afternoon. (because it was too hot!). Managed to get the Enfield going on Sunday, I had taken the timing cover off, and the carb and the electronic ignition. Fitted a new plug, when it started it gave out plumes of white smoke! Took it up and down the road, in shorts, T shirt and no gloves, felt a right rebel, it ran OK but backfired when I shut the throttle, also struggled to find neutral. Yamaha is off the road as well with a front puncture, have an inner tube on it's way from Ebay. So no bikes at the moment. Just did an hour of the weekday morning show, Rick is on leave, not sure when I can do it again, depends on Dan's work I guess. That's all for this quick catch-up, will do more soon...

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