Thursday 27 October 2011

Theft of Vivi Mallock war memorial statue from Tidworth

This statue has been stolen by thieves in the early hours of Monday morning, the 17th October, from the war memorial at Pennings Road in Tidworth. The offenders, thought to have arrived in a white vehicle, removed the Vivi Mallock statue between 2.40am and 3.19am.

Wiltshire Police are appealing for anyone with information regarding the theft or its whereabouts to contact Acting Sergeant Andy Willcox on 101.

This theft feels quiet personal to me, we (1st Tidworth Scouts) attended the Remembrance Day ceremonies that were held around this statue, and I remember actually being involved with cleaning it a few times. So if anyone has any info at all please contact Wiltshire Police.

Thank you.

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