Friday, 26 February 2010

New Super Tenere....

This is the lovely new Super Tenere XT1200Z, First Edition, launched earlier this week by Yamaha. I still havn't seen any prices, not that I could ever afford one! My poor bike is stripped again in the garage, it blew it's main fuse on Sunday, when I was trying to go to Thruxton, to see the Thruxton Academy training guy's. Had to push it back, lucky it was only a couple of hundred yards.

General theory is the regulator has gone poof, does this a lot, so the forum members say. 50.00 quid for a new one, an Electrex RR98, which is much better.

Going back a bit, last week we attended BVE, a broadcast show in Earls Court, London. Andy and I drove the kit up on Monday and built the stand, then I did Tuesday with Ian and came back. Wednesday Barry and Ian did it, then I did it with Barry, Andy, Malcolm and Daniel on Thursday, before we broke it all down and sat in traffic on the way back.

Friday the kit was re-packed for shipment to Dubai, where we go next, for CABSAT.

Then I took Monday and Tuesday off, spent a bit of time working on fitting our new inner front door, which I have been painting on and off all week. Did two training sessions with Simon Davis this week in the evenings, and recorded the VOSB last night.

Wednesday Dan had another go at his timed run for Army entry, and another interview. passed everything except the run!

Hope to put the door up Saturday, afer radio show and seeing Roy about the Ludgershall in bloom competition. Exciting life, huh! Julie is off to a craft show in Newbury, and Dan is away at a mates, so I will be all on my lonesome.....

So Sunday Barry and I fly off to Dubai for a week in a hot, smelly exhibition centre, we are staying on the show site, so not much chance of going anywhere. Oh well. Will be back Friday 5th, in time to finish off Tashies brakes with new brake drums, if I can shift the bearings.....

Will try and blog next week if I can.

Bike is a pretty little BSA Bantam, stuck at 350.00 quid with no bids. Funnily enough it's in Shoeburyness, Essex. Nice, isn't it....

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