Here's a nice little Enfield, on Ebay at 255.00. Most of them now go for over 1000.00. The last one that I put on the blog is up to 800.00 already, and not finished yet.
Not sure why I keep looking at Enfields all the time, guess I like the idea of "pottering" around. Certainly don't use the speed and power of my S10. It's loaded with luggage now, will find out I guess when I go camping on it this weekend if the S10 is for me, or will it be another Bullet sometime in the future?
Here's the Ebay description:
This is a 1981 350 Royal Enfield Bullet. It has 12 months MOT from last week, and the V5 is present. This bike has recently been refurbished and had a lot of new stuff on it. Its been fitted with a later tank and guards which make it look quite fresh and up to date. In addition its had new seat, shocks, wheels, new Amal carb costing over £100, exhaust etc etc etc. The exhaust is a bot throaty as well, and as a result of the new carb and less restrictive silencer, this bike pulls and runs remarkably well for a basic 350, ideal for running round locally on. The bike has been laid up since 2001 and the last MOT certificate from that period showed 7500 miles on it, and it has several older certificates to show the mileage year by year. So, its not a high mileage bike, and looks quite fresh and new and has been sorted out, and runs really well. All the electrics work and its charging OK. Tyres and brakes are all good. Chrome work is good, new wheels etc make it look very fresh. So, its a nice old 350 Enfield, which has recently been re-commissioned, and is now ready to go. Looks newer than it is, but the joy of these old Enfields is that you can just keep re-vamping them with all the stuff that is available for them now. This bike will probably run on for years to come yet and be a great cheep little summer bike. Ideal starter classic, or ideal to run round your local village on.
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