Thursday 22 April 2010

Trilogy Telikou Videos featuring Castledown Radio

Been busy (as usual), today I was testing a heap of the Telikou 2 wire stuff for a job, and I used Castledown Radio's streaming audio as the programme source. Show is the Drive Show with Baz Reilly. Thanks and well done Baz!
Other than that been working on the 'bike, off to Wales Friday week, excited and concerned at the same time. Lot's to do, car (Focus) MOT on Monday, fingers crossed, taking some time off to get everything ready for my trip, then off to Italy afterwards.
Airlineshave been grounded because of a volcano in Iceland, if we had of gone to NAB (Las Vegas) we would have been stuck for an additional week, but we didn't, first time in years I've not gone.

Oh Well, still got IBC Amsterdam to look forward to!

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