Saturday 6 June 2009

20k clocked up on the bike...

Almost forgot, last Saturday (May 20th) the Yamaha clocked up 20K as I went up to do my radio show. I was on a slight diversion on a track on Salisbury Plain, so I stopped and took some pic's with my camera 'phone. Yesterday Dan and I took the bike to Salisbury, went and looked round the Yamaha dealer (Hayballs), had some new Tenere's in stock, and one outside rigged with luggage boxes etc. It's not bad, but it is a different bike to my old one. There was a guy in there buying one, and I was jealous! Dan wants a 3K plus 125 Yamaha road bike, I tried to suggest he gets an old one first, no doubt reality will kick in when he starts earning a crust!

Then we went into the centre of Salisbury and parked up, never been in so much traffic before! Bought a 25th wedding anniversary for Dan to give us, had a McDonalds, then bought Dan a mobile 'phone on contract, advance birthday present (it's next month). Then we went to see Terminator salvation, which was good.
When we got back I was knackered! Don't know how these guy's do massive mileages on their bikes, now I know why they have to get fit first! Julie had been off all day to the Craft Barn, and she bought in KFC, so two fast foods in one day!

Off on Tuesday/Wednesday for our wedding anniversary, will blog that later....

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