Thursday 31 December 2009

Moutainbiking in Savernake Forest

Yesterday (30th Dec) Dan and I went to Savernake Forest, to have a ride around, in the mud and rain. They had been doing lot's of logging, and someone had very nicely carved this bear. Had a great time, got VERY muddy, even though the log's had been put on our favourite tracks! Hopefully they will be cleared soon.

Today (New Years Eve) has been pretty quiet, Dan's been out at Ian's all day, went to Tesco this morning and bought some jeans, put the bike together and it ran well, so may have fixed it by accident! Went round the village, felt good, might get a chance to go further tomorrow, who knows.

Planning to go to the pub tonite, will see the New Year in and go to bed! Happy New Year!

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Back to Boxing Day...

Back a few days ago on Boxing Day I wanted to go to Romsey to see the cars/bikes, but my bike was not running (boo-hoo) so I cleaned out the rabbit, tidied the garage and decided to have a look at my Lister D engine, which is hibernating in the little "shed" that I made for it (a year or so ago?). Anyway, as you can see, it's looking nice and covered in oil, but the floor has collapsed in it's box so some work to do there. When I turned the flywheel it went round OK. Ran out of time to actually try and start it.

Bank Holiday Monday I tried to work on the bike again, got it to the point where it started but it ran rough. Then I worked on Julies MG which still looses water, tried to do the air pocket thing, dropped the little bolt, spent an hour looking for it until I took the air filter out and the battery and found it lodged up on the engine. Still, I fixed the battery mounting problem. Not fixed the engine problem though, no mayo in the engine, and it run's OK, just looses water, even on one Andover and back trip.

Talking of work had THE most boring day at work yesterday (Tuesday). Nothing happened! Took some pictures of the newest MIU for Andy, tried to tidy up but to be honest I was headachey all day and had a rough stomach. Took Dan to gym in the evening, his mate Ian has been away. Popped into the radio and loaded the rest of the Dansette Diamonds series.

Today (Wednesday) I think Julies going food shopping, may try and have another go at the bike, MOT is due later in January. Talked to Doug yesterday and he is going to lend me his carb balancing stuff.

What to do New Years Eve, Pub or boring TV? Will let you know what happens next time...

Monday 28 December 2009

Christmas 2009

Well Christmas has been and gone, we (me, Julie, Dan, Dean, Tash, Margaret Snr and Jnr) had a nice day, well at least until the end of the day when we got stuck into boring TV. Julie was naughty and had bought me a shiny graphite black i-pod 8Gb, it's lovely!

Boxing Day we went to Nan's, Tash came round but she was tired and dozed (so did I!), played I-Spy and charades and Dingbats. Julie came home with headache and went to bed, was nearly sick. Yesterday (Sunday) I was pottering and Julie was in bed, took Dan to gym then Tash said she was going ice skating, so we all went (Julie to watch).

Had a great time, big bruise on arm today where I hit barrier too fast and knees ache! Then Tash and Dean treated us to a meal out in Frankies Italian, which was very nice and kind of them. Then we came home and watched 2012, which is a great movie. Today (Monday) is a Bank Holiday, bit frosty out and no plans so far. Might try and finish putting bike back together, saw a few out on the road yesterday, and I miss it.

Thursday 24 December 2009

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Snow, snow, quick quick snow...

Well you know that we in the UK can't cope with bad weather, we have had some snow over the last few days that has basically stopped everyone in there tracks. Yesterday Natasha got stuck in Basingstoke for 6 hours plus without moving, before crawling home, getting home after midnight, just because of the snow.

Anyway, video is out the window at work this morning, 9.30 ish, snow looks quite thin, the road up to us is freezing over, and I don't like the look of that fog!

Went to Essex over the weekend, saw lot's of snow from the M25, but no problems on the road. Mum fly's home from Stanstead to Dublin today, hopefully!

Oh that bike went on Ebay for 280.11, not much, Best of luck to whoever bought it!

Bye for now....

Friday 18 December 2009

Well it's Christmas party time and this year we went to the local pub for lunch. Somebody took a dreadful picture of me, which I am entering in the "Worlds Worst Picture" competition!

The bike is a 1959 (born same year as me) Francis Barnett Falcon, and I am tempted! 200 quid on Ebay. Just a bit short of money at the moment. S10 is still in pieces, we are in the process of stripping the carb's and they now need balancing (so say's Doug).

We have some light dusting of snow, nothing major, but we are off to Essex in the morning and they have had several inches. M25 will be fun....

Will try and keep blogging....

Tuesday 8 December 2009

New "I want" on Ebay

What is it about me and allways wanting something different! The Yamaha has been sick now for three weeks, mainly because a) I had to buy a spark plug spanner and b) it's wet and horrid and I would not use it anyway. Tried to fix it two nights ago, changed the plugs, checked the coil and leads etc, charged the battery, it started fine so tried to go to work and it chugged like mad below 3K. Turned round and came home again. Doug say's I have to take the twin carbs off, and clean them out. Water or dirt in the pilot jet, he reckons.

So on Ebay I have been looking at this oddly attractive RE. Nowhere near as practical as the Yamaha for passengers and long distances, but it looks ripe for a trails type high level exhaust and a larger trails front end. It's a bit different from most of the RE's around.

From Ebay:

"For sale Royal Enfield 350cc, 1990 year. This motorbike looks a bit unusual as you can see. Good points: everything that you see in the photos is in a good condition.
- engine works very well, no noises, no leaks, is powerful and gives a proper speed, what's more it sounds nice.
- gearbox and cluch are in a very good condition
- original speedometer shows 2965 miles at present, there is no reason not to believe this as the last MOT from year 2000 shows 2272 miles.
- very good brakes and good tyres
- please notice the bike has cool numerplate (G500FAB)
-The only one bad point is the electric system.
The electric system needs some work to be done in order for the motorbike to pass the MOT. No lights - only indicators and stop lights work.
Usually the motorbike starts first or second kick but sometimes takes a long time (because of the messy electric system).
The mirrors are included but there are not in the photos.
Thanks for looking and happy bidding!!! No timewasters please!!!
Any questions please call 07816878707"

It's not on as a bidding thing, it's on as a classified add at 650.00 pounds, or you can make a best offer. I wish money wasn't so tight what with Christmas and the decorating. Maybe I could have had both the RE and kept the Yamaha (which I do find too big and heavy to move around).

By the way the "Dark & Mysterious" RE from the previous post went for 940.00 pounds, hope the new owner is happy.I looked interesting with old panniers etc etc.

Just finished reading Ted Simon's second journey book, Riding Home, he fills in some of the gap's from the first book, Jupiters Travels (which Malcolm is reading at the moment) and weaves in the story of how he and his new wife move from their ruin in France to California, and how they have their first baby. I thought it was a good read. One more to get, Dreaming of Jupiter, when he goes and does the journey again!

Work's OK, radio's frustrating, weathers awful, pretty normal winter I would say!

Thursday 3 December 2009

Dark and mysterious RE

Here's how NOT to photograph your bike (or your mates bike!) to sell it on Ebay. Decription as follows, just as poorly written...

I have for sale a ENFEILD BULLET 500cc manfactured in 1982
There is no paper work or reg number. I know the year through the royal enfeild owners club.
This bike has only done 14 kilometers since new so in theary its a new bike.
IT has been dryed stored in an army hanger since new and ridden only in the hanger.
The bike runs and rides well the only thing the bike needs is a battery.
The cost to get the plate is £12 to the owners club for the dating certificate and £25 to dvla for log book.
The bike is 27yrs old so its a classic.
Come on folks grab a bargin cash on collection.
Any Questions i will answer as soon as i can.

As of today 3 days to go and no bids, starting at 800.00 pounds. Maybe it's the big 500 on the sides! Looks interesting to me if it is genuine....