Thursday 29 October 2009

Bit of an update....

Bikes are a nice Black Triumph, for sale on Ebay in Swindon, and a green Military Indian Bullet, also on Ebay. Julie hates the Bullet, and the Triumph is already too expensive!

......loosely based on an email I sent to my brother....

Anyway, it seems that every evening these days is busy, either with something to do with radio (meetings, minutes to type or interviews to edit), or watching telly (did you see James May's life size toy Spitfire, it was great!.Also watching By Any Means 2 with Charlie Boorman).

We are still trying to save the radio, the licence from OFCOM may or may not be given to us, and the equipment is still owned by Wiltshire County Council, or at least we think most of it is. Financially the local Town Councils have helped us with money, so we are OK there. But the 'phone lines have gone (not paid the bills) and we are not streaming (no internet) and it is frustrating!

Did do an absolutely cracking disco for the kids at the last Bluez n Zuzz, they all wore fancy dress, there were over a hundred of them, Dan played all the music and I did all the chat, best one in years!

At home we have decided to re-decorate, including getting new furniture and carpets. The suite is 17 years old, and the carpets have not been changed since we moved in 11years ago. So a few Saturdays ago we went to Hedge End, and spent all day in furniture stores, finally buying a three seater and two seater leather sofa, on what we used to call HP! (no interest over two years blah blah).

Since then we have had four carpet quotes, and that's not been straightforward to sort out, and we cannot decide on colour for the walls. We know which piece of Ikea furniture we want, but that's the last thing to get done. Lot's of painting before then!

Bike's OK, not much chance to do anything with it, get's used as transport when it is not raining! Hope to go to camping with other Super Tenere Forum members next year in Wales.

Kids OK, Dan's stuck unemployed with no benefits until he's eighteen, he's going to another Army experience week next week, but his next chance to do proper selection is next March. Tried quite a few job applications, including an interview with Argos, but all say no, or nothing at all!

Tash is ok, I think! She went to Cuba for a week with her new-ish boyfriend, and I think she is struggling to settle back to her routine.

Julie and her mum are going to the NEC for the weekend by coach to a craft show, which I paid for, including a night in a hotel in Birmingham. That same week is Castledown Radio's 3rd birthday, so we are doing live radio all Saturday. and Sunday is Remembrance Sunday, and I have an hours special to record. And Dan will be going to parade with his Army Cadets.

Car's are OK, ish. Mine's got 113K on it now, did the front brakes (disks and pads, 37.00 pounds from EBAY, fitted in an hour), back tyres need doing, and rust is getting worse by the minute. Julie's MG is ok, so far. Will be a year in December since we bought it!

Work's crap, really quiet, and scary. Been doing OK in our division but this month has dropped. The NC2 division is well behind target. Went to France last week for two days and back again next week for two days (just co-incidence), and maybe two days in Greece in November. Just trying to sell stuff!

That's about me caught up.

Link for S10 ally boxes (excellent!)..

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