Friday 10 April 2009

Went to the MAG (Motorcycle Action Group) Spring meet last Sunday, Julie took us over by car, and then went shopping, whilts Dan and I drooled over the bikes. A few nice classic bikes, really loved these choppers. The red on's made by a company called Battistinis, based near Bournemouth.

Dan and I have jsut signed up for the Sarcen Trail, to walk from Avebury to Stonehenge, it took me 9 hours last time, to do 26 miles. The date is 3rd May, Tashies birthday. By the way, we are back on speaking terms again, and she is coming on holiday with us. Very close to going to Surmeli Efes hotel, Kusadasi, Turkey. Looks great!

Yesterday (Good Friday) I did the tilling in Margaret's bathroom, small job, but it looks good with the new sink. Have to strip the wallpaper next and paint. Today I am off to do radio very soon, and then who know's. Easter Sunday we are having a family roast dinner, Monady may go to the vehicle meet at Wyke Down.

This comming Friday boss Barry and I are off to Las Vegas to NAB show (National Association of Broadcasters). Should have been meeting up with Don to build the stand but he's not well, so there will only be three of us. All early signs are it's going to be a very quiet show.

Must go, walking to the radio, as part of my exercise to get fit for the Sarsen Trail!

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