Sunday 12 April 2009

Easter weekend 2009

Easter 2009 started with a day at Margaret's, tiling a little bit of the bathroom. Saturday after the radio I cut the hedge and cleaned up part of the garden round the shed, and then Julie and I went to a few garden centres around Romsey.

Sunday I defrosted both the fridge and the freezer (exciting life!) and stripped the carb on my bike. Fitted all new gaskets and rubbers etc from Hitchcocks (ordered Wednesday arrived Saturday). After a very nice Sunday lunch tried to fit Tashies car speakers in the doors but they did not fit. Then I re-assembled the carb onto the bike, changed the air filter, fitted ab in-line fuel filter, and a new rubber bit between the carb and the air filter. It started OK, went out quickly, seemed OK but did get hot.

Went out with Dan on pushbikes for half an hour, had tea and watched Jumanji. Today hope to got to Wyke Down Spring Car Show and Autojumble.

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