Monday 30 March 2009

It's been a while............

It's been a while since I have done a Blog, no specific reason, just busy with life, I guess. Both Dan and I were nominated for Community Awards for our work with Castledown Radio, Bluez N Zuzz and the Really Red Radio Roadshow. Did not win, but we got a certificate and a small plaque thingy. Dan did not make it, he was on his Chosen man week with the Rifles regiment.

Weekend before last we went to Essex to see my mum and brother and sister, on Saturday we went out to the Secret Bunker in Essex, and on Sunday we were out again for a couple of hours. It was very nice weather, and we had a great time.

This weekend was quieter, on Saturday after my radio show I took out the rotten window frame in the garage, and any loose bricks, and cemented them back in. Time will tell if they will stay in! The window is boarded up until I get something to put in it.

Sunday the clocks went forward and we had a slow start, I went out into the countryside and it was lovely, got back and pottered around. In the afternoon I eventually put the new ammeter on to the Bullet, and set the throttle so it closed when you let it go. Then I went out over the Salisbury Plain to Durrington and back, some 27 miles. Bullet run's OK once started, still a pig to start, need to sort the threads out (I have the gadget) and try the electronic ignition again. I found the handlebar pic on the web, I think my old handlebars are that shape, now I know what they are for!

Brought the bike in to work this morning, despite the fog! Wasn't so bad at home, ended up taking my glasses off again. Cold but sunny now. No heating in the office!

Just picked up a strange call on my mobile, I've had this head-hunter chasing me for a few months, now he finally call's back. Job is either product manager or sales manager in Brighton, company is What to do!

Barry and I are off to NAB Las Vegas in a couple of weeks, and I am trying to decide what to do about a holiday!

Bye for now, must do some more soon..

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