Monday 9 June 2008

Yesterday (Sunday) we took it easy, it was so hot (for the UK!). Sorted garage and cleaned bike (soap and water and then Gunk on the engine), sorted tool cabinet (see pic). Checked spark plug on bike, which was well blackened with soot. Went out for a ride for 30 minutes. Stalled and it kicked back when I tried to start it, luckily no injuries!

Monday went to work on bike, still hot, specially in my winter thickness new bike jacket and gloves! Talked to Doug about servicing the bike, just check oil, sooty plug probably means too rich. Will need to look at getting the following to carry out a service:
  • Oil filter
  • Air filter
  • Oil
  • New plug?
  • Points?
  • Grease gun and grease

Oh yes, forgot to add insurance costs to last post's sums, approx. 57.00 pounds to insure 3rd party fire and theft. So now this bike has cost nearly 840.00 pounds. Still, nice ride in today!

Tomorrow (Tuesday) Dan and I are doing B&Z (Bluez and Zuzz) at Clarendon School, Tidworth, for the 11-15 year olds, with the Really Red Radio Roadshow. Should be fun, need to leave a bit early.

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