Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Well here we go. Please stick with me whilst I learn how to blog!

Last Sunday (1st June) I collected what is now my latest crazy hobby, a Royal Enfield Bullet 500 motorcycle, built in 1993 to a 1950's design under license in India. I first saw it a couple of weeks ago at work, one of my colleagues (Doug) brought it in, he was going to MOT it and sell it. So we slowly discussed it over the week, the MOT was passed with flying colours, and I made an offer, which was accepted!
Set off with the wife and trailer on Sunday to collect it, via another good friend, Graham, who has loaned me the leather jacket and helmet in the pic. Had a ride on the bike (first time I have been on a bike in probably 25 years), the trailer was too weak to take the weight so rode it home!
Got home in one piece, sat on it, popped out for a short ride, and put it to bed in the garage, where it will live with all the other hobbies/rubbish.
Monday 2nd was it's first journey to work, had trouble starting it, and it stalled half way in. Had more trouble starting it, realised that the lights/indicators were not working. Got to work. Graham and Doug helped out by charging the battery which got me home ok.
Took the battery out for more charging, cleaned the battery posts and replaced some grotty looking connectors.
Did NOT bring it to work today since it has decided to rain all day, and I am going to be a fair weather biker.
Plus points so far: the great noise it makes, the smooth bends, big grin on face.
Minus points so far: gearshift is difficult to master, lights failing, very hard to kick over. The rain!

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