Last week I wrote a blog on Thursday but the Blooger software glitched and would not let me post it! Oh Well. So here's an update.
Dan and I did Shipton Bellinger Fete, and what a lovely sunny day it was too. We used the RRRR and four PA horns, and we operated as a PA and some music. Spoke to Peter Patrick (see pic) who had two scramble bikes on display, he rides them in pre-74 races, bit like classic car racing, only for bikes.
Today (Monday) I am in Paris at the Eurosatory show, with Barry. We flew out yesterday, set up the stand, and had a lousy dinner at the 4 star Pullman hotel we are staying at. Hearing stories now of train strikes, so might be stuck here for a while!
Will fly back Wednesday when Mark and Malcolm take over. Chute Fete Saturday (with trailer 2) and then Spain radio training next Wednesday. It's all go!